Download Wheelmark Certificate For Tuskbond NC501:
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Tuskbond NC501 Canister Technical Data Sheet
Tuskbond NC501 Canister Safety Data Sheet
Tuskbond NC501 Aerosol Technical Data Sheet
Tuskbond NC501 Aerosol Safety Data Sheet
Tuskbond NC501 will bond a wide variety of substrates, including wood, metals, rubber, fabric, most plastics, cardboard, polythene and concrete, as well as decorative laminates. It is ideal for permanent bonds that require good initial bond strength. It provides good temperature resistance and if protected from contamination has an open time of several hours. Always test a small sample of the materials first to ensure the suitability of the product for the application. For instance, some vinyls contain large amounts of plasticiser which, over time, can migrate and soften the bond. When in doubt, test first. Do not use on flexible PVC or expanded polystyrene.
Solvent: Hydrocarbon
Propellant: Hydrocarbon
Solids Content: (approx) 33%
Spray Pattern: Web
Colour: Clear
Coverage: (13kg canister) ~ 100m2
Wheelmark Approved: Yes
VOC: 590g/l
Heat Resistance: (SAFT) 100°C
Available Sizes: 13.6kg, 68kg