Simple Fix
SimpleFIX are industry standard letter fixings. Manufactured in HIPS for the male stud, and a UV stabilised Alkathene female cup, they are manufactured to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. They are also designed to cope with all external conditions such as frost, UV and wind and come with a lifetime guarantee.
SimpleFix & SnapFix Fixings come in three sizes (small, medium and large). The beauty of the fixing system is that you can mount a sign safe in the knowledge it is there for the long-term, but you can also easily remove it.
Our 2 Part Structural Bonding Adhesives have been developed to work with all locators to form a long term bond.
For pricing or any other queries please contact us.
SimpleFix locators can be bonded to all sign substrates, such as ACM, D-Bond, BCP, Wood, Metal, Plastic and Glass. INDASOL also supply tried and tested adhesives to cater for all of these applications.
Due to the changing raw material content and surface finishes of some substrates, it is essential that all of our adhesives and tapes should be tested by the customer to ensure substrate and performance compatibility for each application. Please contact us for any advice. We do not accept any liability for product failure.